Contents of Research Proposal

The contents of the Research Proposal and the specifications

The research proposal contains many aspects because it is a huge process. If we talk about the meaning of the research proposal, then, it is a document that the researchers submit before starting the research project on a specific topic. Mainly the proposal is mandatory for the PhD students. The contents of the research proposal are evaluated through various parameters ex- planning, scope, structure, etc. After evaluating the research potentiality and the soundness according to the planning, the decision will be taken whether to carry it or not. 

The required fields of research proposal

Title page: 

In the title page, your research proposal approach should be very clear. You need to give the title, which is directly related to the topic. 

Background study: 

In the background study part, deep research is required. It would be best if you collected some literature review for that specific topic. The basic thing is that the gap analysis, here you need to find the issues related to this research proposal. The contents of the research proposal the summary is also an essential aspect that can come in this part. 


Without the objective, any research proposal cannot be carried out. So set the objective in such a way that it will match your research objective and the research project objective. 

Research methodology: 

It is playing a vital role in the research proposal part. Otherwise, we can also say that you need to describe the framework of the research proposal. You can also define the approach of the research and which method you are adopting.

Findings or outcomes: 

The research proposal acceptance and rejection both depend on this part. So the findings should be unique and original. And it should be beneficial for society, target groups, and yourself.

Research Questions: 

Here, you need to formulate the possible questions regarding the research proposal. The research question part will be to explore the problems and hidden facts about the research work. And can also discuss why these questions are worthy enough to explore.

After that, put the bibliography and references at last. You can also add the project budget or funding. At the time you need the amount to conduct the research projects, the contents of the research proposal are quite essential. If it is relevant and the outcome of the research project is valuable and impactful, only you can get a budget to conduct it.