Digital Marketing Banner Ads

Parameters On Which Digital Marketing Banner Ads Are Judged

When you are promoting through a banner for digital marketing, some points determine the success rate. On the basis of that, digital marketing agencies can figure out how well their marketing tactics are working. These parameters are very important to understand in order to calculate the success rate of the promotion.

Not to mention, digital marketing agencies can improve their marketing campaigns if there is no proper success rate. There are four main points on which you can make these judgments about the effectiveness of the digital marketing agency banner. They are explained in detail in this article.

Digital Marketing Banner Ads

  1. Reach

To measure the success of the promotion of the banner ads, it is important to calculate who saw it. This falls under the term ‘Reach’ which the agencies survey to assess how many people saw the ad. This counts for the unique view numbers of the banner ad.

During banner digital marketing, companies and marketing agencies check and optimize the promotion reach. That way, they can assess that the people who are seeing the ad are unique viewers each time. It helps with knowing how many people are viewing the ads, but some are repeat observers. Therefore, it is important to optimize the target of the ads to reduce the chances of viewer fatigue.

  1. Impressions

An impression signifies the time an ad comes up on a website. That counts for one impression each time. Thus, impressions aim to determine how many times the placement of the ad occurs.

The main function of impressions of a digital marketing banner is to quantify the times that an ad appeared on a website. And thereafter, one can calculate the click-through rate of the users.

The more the number of impressions, the higher the range of audience it has reached. This helps with growing brand awareness, and a higher view-count helps with reinforcing the brand.

While this is important to calculate, it is futile if the other parameters do not grow as well. That would suggest a leak in the sales funnel. There are many potential reasons for this fault, like unsatisfactory ad message, targeting issue, or bad conversion rate on the landing page. It is important to focus on the other engagement factors too.

  1. Click-Through Rate

This signifies the total number of times people have clicked on the ad on a website. The main calculation for the CTR is through a ratio of clicks to impressions.

To specify, in case there were 100 impressions of your ad, but it only generated 15 clicks, the CTR is 15%.

Therefore, you can judge the strength of your ad campaign using this factor. However, this is not enough unless the click-through rate transfers into conversions. This depends on the aim of the person who clicked.

In case of a low CTR, the main step to take is testing a different ad formula. Changing the design of the font or background may garner more viewers. Following this, an A/B test would help you assess how much the click ratio has increased with the new version.

Conversion Rate

After clicking on the digital marketing banner ads, the user must take the necessary action too. This signifies the desired offer of the ad, i.e., downloading the service, buying a product, etc.

The two possible reasons for a low conversion rate are:

  • Lack of optimized landing page- You can run A/B testing on the landing pages. In case of any errors, changing the call-to-action, headline, etc., may help improve the conversion rates.
  • Low traffic generation- You must make the targeting settings more granular. Running an audit would yield results regarding which placements are failing, and which demographics or websites are working well.

Overall, focusing on these factors and optimizing them would ensure better digital marketing.