Google Adwords in SEM / Social Media Digital Marketing Company in Wellingborough
Different Ad types under PPC marketing
You all are known about the term Google AdWords or PPC marketing tools. But do you about the different types of Ad which come under PPC marketing. Yes, there are many types of Ad which comes under PPC marketing. If you want to run a campaign on Google marketing, then you can contact a Google AdWords marketing company.
Google Ad marketing & types
In this era, people want their solution within a minute, and for this, they took help from Google. Therefore it is necessary to create a campaign for Google digital marketing if you run a business. Through this, you can reach and engage with more and more number of people within seconds. There are many methods, but here you will learn about the paid ways of marketing.
Types of Ad under PPC marketing
- Search ads: The search ads are the standard ads which come under the paid search ads marketing. In this, when you search for a specific keyword, you can see that on top of your search result, there is a result that comes with a text “Ad.” So, this is known as search ads in Wellingborough.
- Display ads: In this, when you arrive on a particular web page, you can notice that there is an image that comes in banner format with some texts. When you click on that, you will be directed to a new website.
- As you know that social media has popularity worldwide and people spend a lot of time there. So, you can try for social ads. For this, you can take help from Social media digital marketing agent in Wellingborough.
- You can try Google shopping Ads. These ads come with a carousel format when you are searching for a specific product.
- If you don’t get satisfying results SEM in digital marketing, then you can go for local ads marketing also.
So, the above-discussed points are some of the basic types of paid search marketing in Wellingborough.