Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer

Things to Look for In a Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer

Anyone can attempt the certification to become a Magento 2 Certified Associate developer. This is suitable especially for beginner developers who are new to Magento 2. Both backend and front-end developers can apply for this certification. 24.8% of eCommerce sites are built on Magento, thus there is a great demand for Magento 2 developers.

But how do you make sure you are hiring the right developer for your project? What questions do you need to ask them during the interview? Let us find out.

The uncertainties involved with hiring Magento 2 developers

While hiring a Magento associate developer, you may be facing several uncertainties. For example, you might be wondering from which country you should hire the developer, for how many hours you should hire them, etc. There will be uncertainties regarding the fees and whether to hire on an hourly or project basis.

You may choose to hire a developer from an Asian country, which would cost you much less. On the other hand, you must make sure they are technically competent and authentic. You also need to monitor outgoing work. Otherwise, you will stand to lose money in the long run.

Questions to ask before hiring a developer

  • How much experience they have 

In the tech industry, the general rule is that higher the experience, more the expertise. It is recommended that you look for a professional with more than 5 years of experience. These individuals generally possess better insights and will take you through the entire development process step by step.

In other cases, you might go for a professional with less than 5 years of professional experience to complete the design as per your wishes. However, it is mandatory to have a pre-generated plan in this scenario. 

  • Do they have proof of previous sample work?

Hiring a Magento 2 associate developer without looking at their portfolio might be detrimental to your business. Whether it is a beginner developer or a seasoned one, they must have a history of working on similar projects in the past. Therefore, seeing samples of their work tells you what you can expect from them.

  • When are going to be able to complete their work? 

For business owners, deadlines are a big headache. Developers sometimes ask for deadline extensions, giving minor tasks as reasons. Before the developer takes up the project, you should ask them to create a timeline having completion dates for the different tasks. Consequentially, you always know what activities need to complete at what time.

  • Are they reliable communicators?

You need to observe whether the candidate is truthful and honest from the first interaction itself. A candidate with a Swiftotter Magento 2 associate developer certificate should have a detail-oriented approach. Moreover, they should be available for discussion regarding the project. 

When it comes to hiring a Magento 2 developer, the possibilities are endless. Although these questions will help you find the right developer for your project, it all comes down to the expertise and diligence of the developer for your eCommerce website.