WordPress Website Development Company: The Leading CMS On The Market
With many cms platforms available on the market, WordPress still takes the popularity award. The cms platform was first launched in 2003, and ever since then, it has grown bigger. It was first launched as a blogging site. The cms platform now enjoys a lot of popularity due to several reasons, and which is why you must hire a WordPress website development company. Here are some of the reasons why:
- No HTML or FTP software requirements: when you hire a WordPress website designing company, you do not have to worry about HTML editing every time you wish to post a new blog post or embed a video. The self-contained feature of WordPress makes it easier for anyone with little to no knowledge about websites or coding to use the website and create new posts.
- The top google search results are all WordPress websites: Google favors sites that have a clean code. Html websites have more complex codes and scripts, which can complicate the process of indexing websites. WordPress simplified the whole process by providing tags, Meta descriptions, captions, and many other things that allow you to use specific keywords for your content, which allows Google to rank your website accordingly. This also makes it easier for you to understand which keywords to use and which not to when you are creating a new post.
- A lot less complicated than old HTML websites: HTML websites are a headache for those who have no coding knowledge. You have to write codes for everything from heading to photo caption for an HTML site. Also, the HTML sites look chunky and like it have been frozen in the late 90s. They do not offer a modern look as opposed to the highly customizable WordPress websites! You can customize the WordPress site even more if you hire a professional WordPress website development
- Very high visual appeal: with everything going the digital route, you need to draw people’s attention for which you need to create something visually appealing. Not only do you need to create visually appealing websites, but you also need to make sure that it has a clean user interface so that the visitor stays on the website for a long time. If you cannot capture the attention of the visitor within a few minutes, your business will not grow. WordPress websites come with preloaded themes, which are in itself very appealing, but if you want more, you can get plugins and get customized themes to make your website stand out from the rest. If you want a customized theme, you need to hire a WordPress site development team that has the experience.
- You control your site: WordPress gives the owner the power to control their site. You do not have to call on your web designer for making minute changes to the website, but there are few things for which you do need a WordPress website development services Plugins may not work correctly sometime, or there might be some problems with the payment gateway system, or worse, there could be a security breach. In all these cases, you need a professional web development team that can figure out the problem and fix it for you.
- Set up a blog in just 5 minutes: who knew that you could create your blog within only 5 minutes tops. Even though Google offered bloggit, users loved the 5-minute blog set up approach of WordPress. The customization options were also a cherry on the cake!
Find yourself the right WordPress websites development company today to set up your company website!